Saturday 8 July 2023

Collection Count

Collection Count tracks my DVD/Blu-ray collection via a number of statistics every week.

Four new titles this week, including that rarest of sightings: an addition to my DVD collection! That was the Ian McKellen / Judi Dench Macbeth (shot for TV in the 1970s, so never likely to see a Blu-ray release). I don't know why I'd not bought it before, really, as I've wanted to rewatch it for years (having last seen it at school, presumably off a VHS, while studying the play for the first time, and so being less enamoured of it than I am now).

The other three titles are all new (or new-ish) releases from Radiance, including their first box set — which shipped with two corrected discs outside the box. Well, at least I don't have to sign up for some replacement programme and wait for them.

Number of titles in collection: 3,116 [up 4]
Of which DVDs: 1,029 [up 1]
Of which Blu-rays: 2,087 [up 3]
— of which Ultra HD Blu-rays: 266 [no change]

Number of discs in collection: 7,633 [up 6]
Number of films: 3,818 [up 6]
Number of additional cuts: 321 [up 1]
Number of TV episodes: 9,589 [no change]
Number of short films: 1,056 [up 1]

See you next week, faithful reader.

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