Tuesday, 7 February 2012


The Mentalist
4x09 The Redshirt
From being increasingly far behind Five -- sorry, Channel 5 --, to being ahead of them. That's what happens when you take too long bringing a US show back from its Christmassy break, British network. Not that they care. Or I, really. Just fancied watching it.
[Watch it on Demand 5 from Friday 17th February.]

5x56 (31/1/12 edition)


The Book of Eli (2010)
[#11 in 100 Films in a Year 2012]


Justice League #5 by Geoff Johns & Jim Lee
Considering the pace this is moving at, I really don't see how they're going to wrap it all up next issue. Hope it doesn't feel too rushed, or too inconclusive. Still, some good stuff in here; though one senses Jim Lee is finding the monthly deadlines a bit much -- his pencils are looking quite a lot sketchier, I think. No wonder he's taking a multi-issue break after this arc.