Sunday, 28 August 2011


Epic Win
1x01 Episode 1
Thoroughly daft... but what did you expect? Good fun for it.

Grand Designs Australia
1x07 Fish Creek Church House
[Watch it (again) on 4oD.]

Ocean Giants
Part 2 Deep Thinkers (of 3)
[Watch it (again) in HD on iPlayer.]

Proms 2011
Prom 40 Comedy Prom
Another excellent Prom, and this one a first too. Can't say I ever expected to see Tim Minchin in a Prince Charles mask playing the Doctor Who theme on a keytar in the Royal Albert Hall... but now I have, I'm ever so glad. (You can see it too.)
The programme for this Prom, such as it is, can be read here.
[Watch it (again) in HD on iPlayer.]


2000 AD #1745

I really ought to make an even bigger effort to catch up: apparently the Dredd story in prog 1749 (out Wednesday in shops, with subscribers (including me) since yesterday) has a big surprise at the end... and big surprises mean not wanting it spoiled and wanting to keep up with The Conversation, as it were, so... yeah...

Also, apparently prog 1750 will be another all-number-1s jumping-on prog. That didn't turn out so well last time, with a collection of stories that still felt halfway through even if they were technically first parts... but it got me started, so clearly it wasn't a total failure. Still, perhaps they've made a greater effort for the round-number-ness of 1750?

Finally, the ECBT 2000AD reviews for this prog can be found here, here, here, here and here.

this week on 100 Films

No new reviews on 100 Films in a Year this week, but I did mark reaching #75 by creating a list of 25 films I own that I really should have seen.