Wednesday, 4 January 2012


Comic Relief 2011: What a Cracker
A poorly-edited (every sketch was truncated! great stuff was missing!) set of highlights from last year's Comic Relief. Oh well.
[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]

Great Expectations
Part 3 (of 3)
I enjoyed that greatly. Makes me want to watch the David Lean film again to see if the bits I didn't remember were in it or not.
[Watch it (again) in HD on iPlayer.]

2x07 Christmas Special [season finale]
3x00 Vegas Baby!
I didn't watch last year's special sooner because it wasn't near enough Christmas when I finished series two proper. Now I'm struggling to justify to myself that it's still Christmas season enough to get away with it. Oops. On the bright side, it is quite separate from the series proper -- set three months later, even -- so in that respect it's been a good gap. Great episode too.
Then there's the amusing, and surprisingly long, series three prequel, explaining the departure of a major character (I'm sure if you care you know who, even if you're as behind as me). As well as 4oD, the prequel's available on iTunes for free -- and in HD too! -- here.
[Watch the Christmas special and Vegas Baby! (again) on 4oD.]