Thursday, 9 May 2024


Red Team Blues by Cory Doctorow
Chapter 18


The Leaf Riders of Wrenwood
6–7 May 2024


Critical Role
2x17 Harvest Close [2nd half]
[Watch it (again) on YouTube.]

Today, Critical Role announced their own membership/streaming service, Beacon. I'm tempted to sign up, though most of the perks aren't relevant to me at this point — for example, exclusive series Critical Role Cooldown doesn't kick in until at least 207 episodes (c.830 hours of viewing) after where I'm currently at. ("At least" because that's not counting one-shots and miniseries and the like that I'll likely watch between Campaigns 2 and 3.) On the other hand, it would mean ad-free viewing from Campaign 2 Episode 20 onwards (Campaign 1 and Campaign 2 Episodes 1–19 remain exclusive to Geek & Sundry's YouTube, I guess for legal reasons).