Sunday, 4 June 2023


Killer of Sheep (1978)
[#41 in The All-New 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2023]
Blindspot 2023 #4

Moneyball (2011)
[2nd watch]
[#40 in The All-New 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2023]
I’ve been intending to rewatch Moneyball for a while, because I didn’t much care for it the first time (read my original review for all the reasons why) but a lot of people seem to like it, so I thought it deserved a second chance. When it came up among “other movies you might like” after I watched Air, the time seemed right. And… well, I enjoyed it a little more this time, but I feel like most of my original criticisms (that it’s too much about sport and not enough about statistics; and that it doesn’t explain the sport at all for those of us who don’t know anything about baseball beyond that it’s a glorified version of rounders) still stand.


On His Majesty's Secret Service by Charlie Higson
Chapter 4
Finally found some time to continue with this (it's already taking me longer to finish than anticipated/hoped, but I'm determined to not let it stretch out ridiculously, unlike the last one!)


2000 AD #23162317

this week on

"This week on" continues to really be "This Month..." because, once again, there's been no new reviews all month and it's now time for my two regular monthly columns.

First, the overall review of May...

Finally, all the stuff I didn't watch last month...

More next Sunday? We'll see...