Thursday, 17 December 2020


Celebrity Mastermind
2019/2020 Episode 9 (of 10)
I'll never understand the Beeb's scheduling of Celebrity Mastermind: they show almost all of it daily around Christmas, but then let the last few episodes peter out well into the new year — this "Christmas 2019" episode didn't air until March 2020, and the series didn't finish until April! The upcoming 2020/21 series is extended (14 episodes instead of 10), so that'll probably end up running 'til next summer...

The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice
7x09 Episode 9
[Watch it (again) on All 4.]

His Dark Materials
2x02 The Cave
[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]

1x02 The Homecoming Job

1x01 Cachu Hwch [2nd watch; extended]
If you didn't know, Netflix has an extended version of this BBC lockdown hit — there's about 29 minutes of new material spread across the six episodes, which is a fair old chunk (equivalent to almost two whole extra episodes, given the original-cut episodes’ short running time). Hence why I'm now rewatching it: because it was good and I'd like to see the extra stuff. Plus, there are new episodes coming in January, so it's a good time for it.
[Watch the extended episodes (again) on Netflix.]