Monday, 1 April 2024

Audio Drama

Hell Cats 2
2x07 Your Own Worst Enemy
2x08 Fame At Last [season finale]
All in all, probably not quite as good as the first series — that had a higher episode count and an abundance of story to fill it, whereas it felt like this one sometimes struggled to even get to eight — but it still had its moments, and was entertaining and interesting and worthwhile. Is there scope for a third series? I don't know what it would cover, but if there's something worth spotlighting (in the same way this series took the characters in a wholly fictional direction to explore a different factual aspect of the era), I'm sure it would be worth doing.
[Listen to it (again) on Audible.]


Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
Another hour and a half. Definitely getting near the finale now...


Critical Role
2x06 The Howling Mines [1st half]
The fact I'm really enjoying Critical Role and am happy to watch it for hours and hours ("episode six" doesn't sound like much, but between the main show and Talks Machina, it's over 28 hours of content so far) is having a negative effect on my film viewing. But I'm having fun, so...
[Watch it (again) on YouTube.]