Thursday, 14 August 2008

Days in New York...


For a full explanation, please see the start of the countdown.


1x11 I Hate These People [2nd watch]
1x12 There's No 'We' Anymore [2nd watch]
1x13 Because I Know Patty [2nd watch; season finale]
Damages is utterly brilliant, and certainly stands up to a second viewing -- in fact, it might even better, because the whole thing's clearly been planned out and well executed from the start (either that, or they've done a damn fine job of bluffing that it was!) I can't wait for season two.

Doctor Who [classic]
Trailer for The War Machines
These new(-ish) 'Coming Soon' trailers for Who DVDs can be a bit of a mixed bag -- certainly, I've never seen a Hartnell one that works. Until now! This War Machines one is utterly brilliant, so it's typical that it won't see the light of day on a proper DVD. It's available for free online at least, but it deserves a full-res DVD release.


The Golden Compass (2007)
[#51 in 100 Films in a Year 2008]

My Best Friend's Girl 'Red Band' Trailer
Of moderate funniness. The poster (which star Dane Cook has had a good old rant about) certainly doesn't seem to represent the film accurately: it makes it look like Bridget Jones' Diary, when (based on this trailer) it's more like Wedding Crashers.

For the first time ever (in this history of this blog), you can see this trailer right here:


The 39 Steps
(at the Cort Theatre, New York)
"Hitchcock Meets Hilarious" proudly proclaim the posters and website for this originally-British comedy, and they're right on the money. Four cast members play dozens of characters in this wittily-staged comedy spy thriller, with a plot as Hitchcockian as they come. In fact, the title "Alfred Hitchcock's The 39 Steps" -- which is bandied about on the posters and everywhere else, but not (it would seem) technically the title -- would be a better full moniker, as the play is adapted from that version more than the original novel (I gather) and is stuffed with references to other famous Hitchcock films. Recommended.


Can Knight Beat Titanic?
(from Studio Briefing)
As noted on Monday, The Dark Knight is going to beat Star Wars -- so what's new? Well, chiefly of note here is this quote from "Warner Bros. distribution chief" Dan Fellman: "Titanic was once in a lifetime, and I don't think we'll ever have another gross like that in the history of the industry". There are so many things wrong with that it's hard to know where to start, but... Titanic was "once in a lifetime", so it will happen again... but we'll never see its like again... in history... So, in the past, we will never see its like again, apart from in another lifetime. Yeah, well done Dan.

Dane Cook Rips Best Friend's Girl Poster by Chris Hewitt
(from Empire Online)
As in slags it off big-time, not tears it up. Bad article title, Empire. Funny story though, and Cook seems to have a point. See my thoughts on the trailer for more.

O'Brien anger over Rocky remake
(from BBC News)
Translation: "Richard O'Brien isn't happy that Sky One & MTV are remaking The Rocky Horror Picture Show". Except that's still not quite the case, as this quote shows: "It was announced on Wednesday that the new version... would be co-produced by O'Brien. But he told the BBC he would not be involved "in any way". "I have no view on whether it should be remade but it doesn't have my blessing," he added." Chalk up yet another misleading headline for BBC News.

Three New Articles From the Doctor Who Restoration Team
I always look forward to new articles from the Restoration Team, as I find the work they do quite astounding and interesting. Today, we're treated to articles on three forthcoming classic Who DVDs; namely...
- The War Machines (+ two articles on the story's VHS restoration, here and here)
- Four to Doomsday
- The Trial of a Time Lord
That said, the only one of those with very much detail is The War Machines. Trial has an incredible extras package though.

Universal Buys Wheel Of Time by Helen O'Hara
(from Empire Online)
But what are the chances of them actually making a film / film series out of Robert Jordan's long series of massive novels? (The average page count for each book is 850 -- a total of 9,353 pages across the 11 so far published!) Very very slim, I should imagine. Unlike the books. (Ho ho!)