Sunday, 30 August 2020


The Great British Bake Off
10x09 Pâtisserie Week
[Watch it (again) on All 4.]

The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice
6x09 Episode 9
[Watch it (again) on All 4.]

Jonathan Creek
5x00a The Grinning Man [Christmas special]
There was a five-year gap between the last series of Creek and this one-off special, which led to it doing big numbers in the ratings, and then more specials being commissioned. iPlayer and stuff like that list those specials as part of series 4, which is daft given that big gap; but they're also not part of series 5, which came several years later. Numbering systems for TV series aren't really built for shows that pop back and forth between one-offs and full series... Anyway, for now I'm going to number all those specials as "5x00" because I don't have a better answer.
[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]

5x06 BlueBallz
5x07 Our Mojo
[Watch it (again) on Netflix.]

The Rookie
2x17 Control

this week on 100 Films

2 new reviews were published to 100 Films in a Year this week...

Ready or Not (2019)
definitely a comedy-horror, with more laughs than scares and an appropriate amount of gore. It obviously owes a debt to other movies, or at least has points of similarity (You’re Next particularly comes to mind), but it also has a few nice subversions and doesn’t always go the way you’d think
Read more here.

Venom (2018)
I wasn’t sure what I thought of Venom. It’s kind of fun, in a juvenile way (juvenile like teenagers who think violence and edgy dialogue is “grown up”). But it’s also kind of rubbish in places, in part because it can be so juvenile (juvenile like… yeah, same again).
Read more here.

More next Sunday.