Monday 4 March 2024


The Art of Brevity by Grant Faulkner
Chapter 3


Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars
Another hour-and-a-half or so of play. (I note this purely because, come the end of the game, I'm going to be mildly curious how long it took me.) Today, I learnt it's possible to die in this game. I sometimes forget that's possible in some adventure games, considering Lucasarts were (rightly) dead set against it. So, must make sure to save regularly.

The Leaf Riders of Wrenwood
4 March 2024


Critical Role
2x02 A Show of Scrutiny [1st half]
Should I be listing these under TV? They're not, strictly speaking; but is streaming something on Twitch or YouTube fundamentally any different to streaming it on Netflix or iPlayer? Am I just old-fashioned here? (It doesn't really matter, but this is the kind of thing I think about sometimes.)
[Watch it (again) on YouTube.]