Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Dave's One Night Stand
3x04 Stephen K Amos

The Impressions Show with Culshaw and Stephenson
3x05 Episode 5
[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]

Life's Too Short
1x05 Episode 5
[Watch it (again) in HD on iPlayer.]

4x08 (23/3/11 edition)
[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]

A daily dose of sci-fi - Day 30

To finish we need a great tune for the end credits -
what's your favourite sci-fi theme?

This one really is very, very easy, and conforms to what I'm certain must have been a running theme...

Whether it's the creepy electronic original, or one of the synth-tastic '80s versions, or the orchestral TV movie recording, or one of Murray Gold's bombastic modern renderings, the Doctor Who theme is always unbeatable. It can inspire dread or excitement as needed, and that scream into the cliffhanger... Ah, perfection!

Plus, it's easily singalongable. Who hasn't at some point oo-wee-oo'd?

That's it! The end! What a good note to end on (see what I did there?)

I've quit enjoyed this, even if I did struggle with a few answers. Maybe I should try to find another one...

Read about a daily dose of sci-fi, with links to the rest of the series, here.