Saturday, 16 May 2009


Eurovision Song Contest: Moscow 2009

A year of real change for Eurovision, with a new voting system designed to eradicate the bloc voting that has plagued the contest for the past few years, and popular host Terry Wogan being replaced by (obvious choice) Graham Norton. On top of that, the UK actually took it seriously this year...

and was rewarded with 5th place, a phenomenal achievement after consistently placing last for most of the past decade. This year, our score was up by an incredibly 1,236% on last year! Graham made for a great host too -- he was clearly nervous at the start, but once he settled into it he was brilliant. A bit too chatty for some, and not quite as cynical as old Tel, but very funny nonetheless. Musically it was a relatively strong year too.

That said, I honestly don't see the appeal of winners Norway -- what could possibly beat the Ukraine's entry, an even gayer version of 300?


Dark Floors (2008)
[#26 in 100 Films in a Year 2009]
In honour of Eurovision, this is the horror movie starring 2006's winners, Lordi.


Anthony Hopkins to reprise Lecter role by Tim Parks
(from Digital Spy)
Considering the only Hannibal Lecter film that's considered to be much cop is Silence of the Lambs -- and there have been three since then -- is this really a good idea? I suppose if they make money no one cares...
(In case anyone points out Manhunter, that's technically a Lecktor film.)

Primeval movie confirmed by Dan French
(from Digital Spy)
So the rumours were true. But will it be a continuation of the series, a reboot of some kind, or a US-set spin off? All viable options, though I'd imagine the second two are most likely.

Rome might not be history, series creator says by James Hibberd
(from Reuters)
I liked Rome, though never got round to the second season. Just bought the whole lot on DVD, so will aim to soon. Anyway, this sounds promising... if it gets made.

new review at 100 Films

Angels & Demons (2009)
It may come as a surprise that Angels & Demons has a subtly different feel to its predecessor, The Da Vinci Code. It still concerns itself with Tom Hanks’ Langdon dashing about trying to solve insanely cryptic clues in a limited timeframe, surrounded by irritating policeman, suspicious friendly characters, and a girl who is almost pointless. However, it’s a lot less talky, more pacey, and, perhaps, aware of its own silliness.

Read the full review at 100 Films.

There are currently 14 new films in the review pipeline at 100 Films, not to mention two shorts, a film I've previously seen, and an alternate cut. As ever, updates here as and when they're posted.