Sunday, 15 February 2009


Mad Men
1x03 Marriage of Figaro [2nd watch]
Possibly my favourite thing about Mad Men is how comically well they evoke the period. When a parent slaps someone else's boy for being naughty, the dad walks over saying "what's going on here?"... and rather then erupting into an argument about punishing the child as it would today, the dad agrees wholeheartedly and gets his kid to apologise. Every episode of Mad Men is packed with these moments, and it's just one of the reasons the show is such a joy.


The Puffin Book of Nonsense Verse, selected by Quentin Blake
"Speak Roughly to Your Little Boy"
"Department of Facts and Queries"
"I Wish I Were a Jelly Fish"
"Sticky Ends"
"Distracting Creatures"
"A Gamut of Achievements" [the end]

As promised, here are a selection of my favourites from the 127 poems included in this anthology:

  • Typo by Russell Hoban -- probably my favourite
  • Eletelephony by Laura Richards
  • The Purist by Ogden Nash
  • S F by Ernest Leverett
  • How I Brought the Good News From Aix to Ghent or, Vice Versa by W.C. Sellar & R.J. Yeatman
  • One Fine Day in the Middle of the Night (anonymous)
  • I Went to the Pictures Tomorrow (playground rhyme)
  • Brother and Sister by Lewis Carroll
  • Fame Was a Claim of Uncle Ed's by Ogden Nash -- helluva name
  • O'er Seas That Have No Beaches by Mervyn Peake
  • A Chronicle (anonymous)
  • Politeness by Harry Graham
  • Scientific Proof by J.W. Foley
  • Waste by Harry Graham.

  • While we're here -- not only, but also:

  • I Saw a Peacock (anonymous) -- but only once I realised how it was constructed
  • Belagcholly Days (anonymous) -- very clever
  • Bleezer's Ice Cream by Jack Prelutsky
  • Minnow Minnie by Shel Silverstein
  • Some Aunts and Uncles by Mervyn Peake
  • The Ahkond of Swat by Edward Lear
  • The Willow-tree by William Makepeace Thackeray
  • Capacity by John Updike
  • Planting a Mailbox by John Updike
  • The Cod by Lord Alfred Douglas
  • Kitty by Colin West
  • Simple Simon (anonymous)
  • and Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll -- of course.
  • Articles

    When old films never grow old by ghostof82
    (from Musings of the Ghost of 82)
    "are we objective enough when eulogising the old greats while disparaging the young pretenders? Is a twelve-year old today that loves the Star Wars prequels, who thinks the Original Trilogy is slow and boring, any wiser than me?"
    Pretty good article on this topic.