Sunday, 6 August 2017


Peaky Blinders
2x05 Episode 5


The Fugitive (1993)
[2nd or so watch]

Rewatchathon 2017 #25

+ the Blu-ray's special features (bar the commentary)

this week on 100 Films

It was a brand-new month back on Tuesday, meaning it's time for 100 Films in a Year to look back at the month before...

There was also just 1 brand-new reviews published this week...

22 Jump Street (2014)
they’ve taken one of the most memorable and likeable bits of the first movie — the meta-jokes at the expense of the film itself — and ramped them up to 11. And it works. Or, at least, it did for me. Is this the most meta comedy ever? I dunno, but I can’t think of another that so relentlessly riffs off both the expected tropes of its genre and its own status as a sequel.
Read more here.

More next Sunday.