Saturday, 19 April 2014


3x17 Countdown
In which the show tries to pretend Castle and Becket might die... twice. On the bright side, a lovely new cool-blue title card (that I guess won't stick around).
[Watch it (again) on Demand 5.]

9x21 The One with the Fertility Test [5th or so watch]

Have I Got News For You
47x02 (11/4/2014 edition; extended repeat)
[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]

How I Met Your Mother
9x11 Bedtime Stories
A lot of people have been very critical of HIMYM's final season, but this proves it can still manage "best episode ever?"-level awesome.
[Watch it (again) on 4oD.]

Collection Count

Collection Count tracks my DVD/Blu-ray collection via a number of statistics every week.

Once again, no additions to report this week (though I've just ordered some stuff, so next might be busy). Indeed, a slow month all round: only two new titles added, making for a teeny tiny running time update.

Number of titles in collection: 1,664 [no change]
Of which DVDs: 1,199 [no change]
Of which Blu-rays: 465 [no change]

Number of discs in collection: 4,156 [no change]
Number of films in collection: 1,790 [no change]
Number of TV episodes in collection: 6,126 [no change]
Number of short films in collection: 409 [no change]

As I intimated at the start, it's time for the running time update...

Total running time of collection (approx.):
297 days, 16 hours, and 16 minutes.
(Up 6 hours and 13 minutes from last month.)

See you next week, faithful reader.