Tuesday, 3 September 2013


1x08 The One Where Nana Dies Twice [goodness-knows-what-th watch]

2x08 Episode Eight [season finale]
Weird this being over -- we took so long to watch the first series, both blurred into one that's gone on for over a year. Kinda hope there's a third run, too.

A Touch of Cloth II
2x01 Undercover Cloth Part One
I swear the first one wasn't quite so lewd. Still very funny though.


Game of Thrones beats Doctor Who at 2013 Hugo Awards
by Morgan Jeffery (from Digital Spy)

Who has won its Hugo category in six out of the past eight years, so it's always notable when it's beaten (last time was Dr. Horrible triumphing over Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead and Turn Left).

This year it's well deserved: Blackwater is an incredible piece of television -- or anything fullstop -- while this year's selection of Who eps (Asylum of the Daleks, The Angels Take Manhattan, The Snowmen) aren't even the best the show has to offer, never mind all of TV. Nonetheless, they still finished 3rd, 2nd and 4th, respectively.