Saturday, 24 September 2016


The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice
3x05 Episode 5
[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]

Scott & Bailey
5x01 Episode 1

Collection Count

Collection Count tracks my DVD/Blu-ray collection via a number of statistics every week.

A few week's worth of orders coalesced into the last few days, leaving me with my biggest single weekly update in... about a month. Man, I buy too much stuff.

Number of titles in collection: 1,890 [up 4]
Of which DVDs: 1,204 [up 1]
Of which Blu-rays: 688 [up 3]

Number of discs in collection: 4,881 [up 17]
Number of films in collection: 2,084 [up 5]
Number of TV episodes in collection: 7,448 [up 27]
Number of short films in collection: 473 [no change]

See you next week, faithful reader.