Saturday, 30 September 2023


Never Mind the Buzzcocks
31x02 Episode 2

Richard Osman's House of Games
7x02 Week 1: Tuesday
[Watch various episodes (again) on iPlayer.]


Death on the Nile (2022)
[2nd watch]
[#71 in The All-New 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2023]

The Man Who Was Nobody (1960)
[#72 in The All-New 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2023]


The Dragon Staff of Maladoria
29–31 March 2021

Collection Count

Collection Count tracks my DVD/Blu-ray collection via a number of statistics every week.

Three new additions this week, of which the biggest (in every respect) is The Wicker Man on 4K. Despite being one of StudioCanal's fancy big-box editions (with five discs, including a music CD, and a bunch of posters and art cards and whatnot), because it replaces my old Blu-ray copy it actually does almost nothing to the numbers below (but the other two additions do, of course). Still, it's a definite upgrade: all three cuts in 4K (meaning the Director's Cut jumps from an SD NTSC-to-PAL conversion straight to 4K), plus some new special features (as well as all the old ones). Now, I just need to actually watch it — when I last saw the film, the Director's Cut didn't even exist, never mind the Final Cut.

Number of titles in collection: 3,161 [up 2]
Of which DVDs: 1,022 [no change]
Of which Blu-rays: 2,139 [up 2]
— of which Ultra HD Blu-rays: 298 [up 1]

Number of discs in collection: 7,726 [up 4]
Number of films: 3,880 [up 3]
Number of additional cuts: 342 [no change]
Number of TV episodes: 9,621 [no change]
Number of short films: 1,079 [up 1]

See you next week, faithful reader.