Wednesday, 3 August 2011


5x01 My Bad
The new (well, new to the UK -- it was on about a year ago in the States -- and, actually, is already about halfway through on FX over here) season of Dexter kicks off with a lot of having to deal with last season's shock twist/cliffhanger. Makes sense that it has to do so, but it makes for a slightly plodding and frustrating first episode. And with the FBI hanging around, it's clearly not done yet. Still, fingers crossed things pick up from here.

4x39 (28/7/11 edition)
Ouch, that Bourne round result was killer! (He he he.)
[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]

Top Gear
17x06 (31/7/11 edition) [season finale]
As soon as it arrived, it's gone again. That's how it feels, anyway, even though it has been six weeks.
[Watch it (again) in HD on iPlayer.]


Internet Explorer story was bogus
(from BBC News)
A story which suggested that users of Internet Explorer have a lower IQ than people who chose other browsers appears to have been an elaborate hoax.
It's probably true though, if they actually researched it.
Either way:
A number of media organisations, including the BBC, reported on the research
Oops! Now who's got a low IQ.
And just to compound the effect, they've for some reason posted this story twice. Oops!

Lost Alfred Hitchcock film found in New Zealand by Paul Chapman
(from The Telegraph)
"This is one of the most significant developments in memory for scholars, critics, and admirers of Hitchcock's extraordinary body of work."
It's not actually a film directed by Hitchcock though, but it was one for which he "wrote the scenario, designed the sets, edited the footage and served as assistant director". Interesting stuff.