Friday, 13 December 2024


Wonka (2023)


A Book for Christmas by Selma Lagerlöf
A Book for Christmas: A Memory from Childhood
(translated by Sarah Death)
I can't remember how I discovered this book, but it looked like a beautifully-presented little volume of eight short Swedish Christmas stories, and what better time for nice traditional stories than Christmas?

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes for Christmas by Derrick Belanger
December 13th: The Auction of the Prehistoric Beast


Critical Role
2x68 Reflections [2nd half]
With this episode, I've watched just under 353 hours of Critical Role Campaign 2 content, including both the actual campaign and Talks Machina. There are 351½ hours to go — meaning that, time wise, this is halfway.* Or, to put it another way: I'm only halfway through!?
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, Twitch, or Beacon.]

* Halfway in episode count terms is still a few episodes away. During the pandemic, Talks took longer to return to air than the main show, and then it was only on fortnightly, so there are far fewer episodes in the second half of the campaign (in the first half, 100% of CR episodes have an accompanying Talks; in the second it's just 60%), thus skewing the combined running time toward the first half.