Saturday, 7 September 2024


3x09 Obsession [2nd watch]
3x10 Longshot [2nd watch]
3x11 Cold Comfort [2nd watch]


Talks Machina
#100 'Xhorhas'
This show is always A Bit Weird if you ever stop to remember what happened later, but it's especially weird here, where the whole cast of Critical Role turn up to celebrate the 100th episode and begin by cheering Foster en masse. If what went down later was big enough to be TV news, that clip would definitely get used in coverage.
[Watch it (again) on Internet Archive.]

Collection Count

Collection Count tracks my DVD/Blu-ray collection via a number of statistics every week.

Two big bulk orders this week, the latter of which only arrived this morning. The first: a bunch of pre-orders from 88 Films. Well, they were pre-orders when I placed them, but some have been out for a couple of weeks now as my order waited for the final title(s) to be released. (I don't mind — I got a discount, and it's not like I race to watch stuff anyway.)

The second: another large order of US titles. Again, prompted by a discount code and a couple of new releases I really wanted... but then you get an even better discount ordering in bulk, and somehow I always find even more stuff I want, and so my initial plan to order two, maybe three, titles ended up at... um, ten.

Also of note, my DVD collection increases by two this week. After finally dropping below 1,000 titles, it's perilously close to going back over! And it wasn't supposed to be: one of those US titles, I ordered the DVD instead of the Blu-ray by mistake. I wasn't even aware there was a DVD version (looking online, the only reviews are for the Blu-ray), so I wasn't being circumspect. Quite frustrating... but also, they're very old films in quite a poor state — every review acknowledges the weak PQ — so I decided I may as well keep the DVD, rather than having to pay extra money for a not-free return and upgrade.

So, might my DVDs actually go back up above 1,000? Nah, probably not — I very rarely buy any, and next week they'll drop again anyway. That's good, in the sense that I didn't want to be hokey-kokey-ing around with the 1,000 mark.

Number of titles in collection: 3,371 [up 15]
Of which DVDs: 999 [up 2]
Of which Blu-rays: 2,372 [up 13]
— of which Ultra HD Blu-rays: 387 [up 2]

Number of discs in collection: 8,118 [up 23]
Number of films: 4,162 [up 23]
Number of additional cuts: 397 [up 1]
Number of TV episodes: 9,791 [up 12]
Number of short films: 1,171 [up 3]

As you can see, every category increased this week — a truly rare occurence (even on the rare occasion they all change, it's usually with DVD going down). And it's a completely full set of changed stats too, because it's time for the latest monthly running time update...

Total running time of collection (approx.):
569 days, 19 hours, and 2 minutes.
(Up 3 days, 1 hour, and 18 minutes from last month.)

See you next week, faithful reader.