Saturday, 23 February 2013


1x09 Year's End

1x13 The Red Team

Let's Dance for Comic Relief 2013
Episode 2 (of 4)
[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]


The Muppets (2011)
[#18 in 100 Films in a Year 2013]


2000 AD #1764-1766


Judge Dredd Day of Chaos: The Assassination List, Part 6 by John Wagner & Leigh Gallagher
Judge Dredd Day of Chaos: Eve of Destruction, Parts 1-2 by John Wagner & Henry Flint
Grey Area Meet & Greet, Parts 2-4 by Dan Abnett & Karl Richardson
Nikolai Dante The Wedding of Jena Makarov, Parts 2-4 by Robbie Morrison & Simon Fraser
Past Imperfect H Battalion by T.C. Eglington & Warren Pleece
Strontium Dog The Life and Death of Johnny Alpha, Chapter Two: The Project, Parts Two - Four by John Wagner, Carlos Ezquerra & Hector Ezquerra
Absalom Ghosts of London, Parts One - Two by Gordon Rennie & Tiernen Trevallion

'New' Dredd tale Eve of Destruction kicks off a whopping 20-part run (and at the end of it, Chaos Day itself is just two). As Grey Area's first story closes I think it has promise, but, for an acclaimed-in-some-circles writer, Abnett's dialogue is shockingly clunky. The final part read like a recap of the entire premise coupled with a resolution, which was very odd for only the fourth instalment.

This is the last-ever Nikolai Dante story and I'm sure pays off handsomely to fans, but is hardly the right point for newbies. Still has its moments, at least. The Past Imperfect wasn't much cop, all set up for a final reveal that, even though it was the entire point, felt needless. Strontium Dog begins to become more followable as it focuses on the present predicament, and Absalom… begins. We'll see.

Collection Count

Collection Count tracks my DVD/Blu-ray collection via a number of statistics every week.

Only one new thing this week, but no more is required: the Skyfall Steelbook. Splendiferous.

And to liven things up nonetheless, there's the running time update. The thrills just keep on coming.

Number of titles in collection: 1,535 [up 1]
Of which DVDs: 1,152 [no change]
Of which Blu-rays: 383 [up 1]

Number of discs in collection: 3,853 [up 2]
Number of films in collection: 1,611 [up 1]
Number of TV episodes in collection: 5,722 [no change]
Number of short films in collection: 374 [no change]

As promised...

Total running time of collection (approx.):
277 days, 22 hours, and 27 minutes.
(Up 16 hours and 36 minutes from last month.)

See you next week, faithful reader.