Thursday, 5 October 2023


Doctor Who
7x22 Inferno Episode 4
7x23 Inferno Episode 5
Ever since I came across it as a viewing method, I've really enjoyed watching classic Who serials at the rate of one episode per day. But with content for all 15 Doctors to get through before an unspecified date in November — and with various interruptions still to come along the way — here and there I may need to continue to alter the pace a little, like today.


The Dragon Staff of Maladoria
13–15 April 2021
Oh no, I died! Luckily, in this game you get to just come straight back to life (for a cost) and carry on. Well, it'd be a pretty rubbish calendar if you died in the first few months and couldn't play the rest of the year, wouldn't it?