Sunday 15 October 2023


Doctor Who: The New Adventures
Timewyrm: Genesys by John Peel
Chapters 19–23 + Epilogue [the end]
Amidst the pervy stuff, and the surprisingly antagonistic relationship between our two heroes (much more so than on TV, though perhaps that was designed to build out of the Doctor’s treatment of Ace in stories like Fenric and Ghost Light), there are some passages that are quite insightful about the character of both the Doctor and Ace. And, at times, you can almost imagine this as an actual TV story in 1990 — albeit with less gore, fewer bared boobs, and lower-key locations. All in all, it's not the greatest Doctor Who story ever, but I largely enjoyed it. Will definitely have to promptly continue with the Timewyrm arc after my 60th celebrations are complete.

Doctor Who: The Ripple Effect by Malorie Blackman
Chapters 1–3
Finishing off my time with the Seventh Doctor via this entry in the 11/12/13 Doctors, 11/12/13 Stories series — a group of tales specifically aimed at kids (they were originally published by Puffin, the imprint of Penguin aimed at younger readers), so quite the antithesis to the New Adventures and all their gore and sex!

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