Tuesday, 5 August 2008


Do they really think the earth is flat? by Brendan O'Neill
(from BBC News)
Would you believe, there are still some people who genuinely believe the world is flat? Apparently so! But then, there are still plenty of people who don't believe in evolution, so what do you expect?

Microsoft sees end of Windows era
(from BBC News)
Interesting news piece on Microsoft's plans for what to replace the increasingly-dated Windows format of OSs with. Also includes the fantastically clause-ridden sentence, "I would be surprised if there was definitive evidence that nothing like this was not kicking around" -- ah, the loss of meaning!

Review of The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
(from Empire Online)
It just opened at #2 in the US, behind a third week for The Dark Knight, and reviews like this reveal why. Empire don't expect it to be some meaningful artistic film, just a fun blockbuster, and unfortunately it comes up short in that respect. Oh dear.

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