Friday 22 August 2008


Eon Productions Pass On Devil May Care Film Rights by Matt Weston
Broccoli And Faulks Talk Devil Film Rights Snub by Matt Weston
"Eon Productions had passed on the movie rights to Sebastian Faulks’ one-off James Bond novel, Devil May Care... “Devil May Care is a period book which is set in the 1960s, and it really wouldn’t fit as one of the films that Eon has been making recently,” Broccoli [said]... Faulks, meanwhile, raised a valid point: “I would have thought that if you could move Casino Royale from the 1950s you could move Devil May Care from the Sixties.”"

The Movie-Con Blog by Olly Richards
(from BFI Presents the Empire Movie-Con)
Oh new Watchmen footage, how I wish thee could be seen!

Production Stopped On The Sweeney Film by Chris Hewitt
(from Empire Online)
Cancelled by damn Yanks for fear of a lack of international appeal. Damn Yanks. If it was only going to cost $16m, surely it would've made that back in the UK alone; and, if it was any good, it would make enough worldwide to top it up? But hey, what do studio execs know? (Answer: not much.)

"We wanted to join the family of Barry, Bassey, Connery and Craig." by Matt Weston
"Jack White discusses his collaboration with Alicia Keys on [new Bond theme] Another Way To Die." And he sounds like a bit of a cock, to be honest.

Will This Be The Worst Film Ever? by Helen O'Hara
(from the Empire blog)
O'Hara makes a good case for why the forthcoming 'satire' An American Carol may be the most morally repulsive film ever made. See what you think by watching the trailer here.

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