Monday 8 September 2008

Buffy on(line), Firefly off

Immerse Yourself in a Virtual Buffyverse by Dave Golder
(from SFX)

"there’s a Buffy MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) on the way... The ground-breaking MMOG will offer a new experience for gamers, allowing them to play it either as a fully immersive 3D environment or as a Flash-based 2D game, where both types of players can interact."

Interesting idea. As much as I love Buffy, I wouldn't bother... though the easy-sounding 2D Flash version is kinda tempting, if it's free... Biggest question: will it follow the canon of the Season Eight comics?

Sadder news, however, is that "the previously-announced Firefly on-line game is now on hold." As dedicated as the Firefly fanbase is, I never believed it was large enough or gamery enough to support an MMOG, though maybe the sheer quality could have attracted non-fan gamers on the basis of it being a free-roaming space adventure? Who can say, as it'll probably (though kinda unsurprisingly) never see the light of day.

Shame, cos that one I would have played.

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