Friday 5 September 2008

"The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones"

The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones

A bit of a flick-through this Indiana Jones tie-in, which, as I'm sure you can guess, is designed to be the character's journal. As such it's a bit of an odd volume -- it's not a novelisation, or a new story, or a guide book, or a making of, but more a ragtag collection of all those stripped to their most basic, combined with a 'prop replica' souvenir value (though it isn't really a prop replica). The text is a bit slight and the images spartan, but it still sounds like a cool idea. I rather suspect the latter was the governing idea here: someone thought it was cool, but then it couldn't quite be executed.

Perhaps its primary value is in providing a unified canon of the Indiana Jones universe: as well as covering the four movies (obviously) it includes the TV series, a bit of time before that, brief allusions to Indy's World War II service, and also the various computer games (most of the focus here is on the popular classic The Fate of Atlantis, but there are hints toward others too). I don't know if the comics get a mention (I suspect not), but the period in which the tie-in novels occur is 'ripped out'.

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