Saturday, 13 December 2008


The Aristocrats (2005)
[#87 in 100 Films in a Year 2008]

Cube (1997)
[3rd watch; #83a in 100 Films in a Year 2008]

Cube²: Hypercube (2002)
[#84 in 100 Films in a Year 2008]
Oh dear.

Cube Zero (2004)
[#85 in 100 Films in a Year 2008]
Equally oh dear.


Anonymous said...

I was disgusted by Cube 2, and frankly I switched off Cube Zero as soon as the cartoon villain with the freaky eye appeared.

Cube is a fantastic film in its own right. The mystery doesn't need explaining (though it's fun to speculate) and the focus is all on the psychology of the people in there anyway. The Cube is merely a device for the characters to react to.

Cube 2 was just stupid with all the bizarre sci-fi nonsense. And as for Cube Zero, I've pretty much managed to forget almost all I saw of that. Thankfully.

So in summary, Cube is a brilliant piece of work, and the sequel/prequel don't exist. No, no they don't.

badblokebob said...

Couldn't agree more.

Though, I have to note, it's highly ironic that for your name you've chosen the final line of Cube Zero, the bit they chose to try to link it back round to the original.

Anonymous said...


I didn't make it that far into the movie.