Friday 6 March 2009


Watchmen (2009)
[#9 in 100 Films in a Year 2009]

Watchmen is turning out to be a real "love it or hate it" film, with both critics and audiences. Depending on what day you're looking on and what site you're looking at, you're likely to be left thinking it's either utterly brilliant or utterly dreadful. Incidentally, this isn't a "fans love it / non-fans hate it" split either -- it seems to afflict both sides equally. So the truth, as I say, is that it more or less divides people.

Personally, I found a few flaws with it; but, as Danny Boyle recently said (about a different film), "it's imperfect; which every film should be". Yep, I'm firmly in the "loved it" camp.

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