Saturday, 4 April 2009


BBC Charged £150,000 Over Sachsgate. Fine? No, Not Really… by RedJolt
(from FaceJolt)
"They’ve taken £150,000 away from the BBC, which means we can have £150,000 less good programming in the near future, and given it to Ofcom."

Metrodome in April by Dave Foster
(from DVD Times)
Remember Lordi, that crazy Finnish rock band who won Eurovision a few years back? Well, they're now starring in a horror film. No, really. Have a look about it here.

Personal web data to be stored for a year by Robert Verkaik
(from The Independent)
"Bloody Europe again," you might think, but you'd only be half right. So I'm told, Brown thought it would be too controversial here (too right) and so had it pushed through in Europe. (And let's not forget, we still haven't elected this man.)

Student submits worst application ever? by Sarah Rollo
(from Digital Spy)
"A horticulture student was left red-faced after sending a job application to a Welsh attraction from the email address 'atleastimnotwelsh'."

Click to enlarge

Virgin1 launches Dr Hoo, a year-round online only drama by Matt Warman
My various travels around the web led me to uncover this series on IMDb, an intriguingly-named entity starring some moderately well-known names (Ian Hart, Elaine Cassidy, someone who used to be in EastEnders) about which there was next to no info.
A little more digging unearthed this article. Turns out, it's some webseries that supposedly runs year round, though Virgin seem to have uploaded 10 three-minute episodes and left it be for the time being. Connections to a certain immensely popular sci-fi show referenced by the title seem to be minimal, although I haven't actually watched it yet so can't say for certain.
If you're interested, you can watch it for yourself here.

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