Sunday 21 June 2009


'Cheeky' Oasis fans demand refund
(from BBC News)
Oasis gig blighted by technical problems; on stage, Noel Gallagher tells fans they can have a refund; then when some actually try to claim it he criticises them for it. Think before you speak, eh Noel?

Marvel got “three-hour one-man show” from Thor director Kenneth Branagh by Liam
(from Filmonic)
Bodes well, methinks. I couldn't care less about a Thor movie before, and while I'm still far from straining at my leash to see it, Branagh's passioned involvement makes it massively more intriguing. Almost appealing, in fact.

Schools to rethink 'i before e'
(from BBC News)
What a silly plan. "But it's sometimes wrong!" Oh boo hoo.

This Year One Review Doesn’t Bode Well For Ghostbusters 3 by Dave
(from Filmonic)
The title offers commentary on their own review! Oh dear. Still, in amongst an awful lot of repetition and other ticks of poor writing, they make some good points... though the title really sums them all up.

Transfomers: Revenge Of The Fallen - Designed With 14-Year Old Boys In Mind by Owen Nicholls
(from The Projector at NME)
You've gotta love a review that contains the following quotes:
"the robots get as much characterisation as Megan Fox's cleavage."
"never have I seen a film that portrays anything with a vagina quite as insatiable for cock as the girls in this movie. As for Megan herself, I'm unsure whether Bay thinks he's her director or her gynaecologist."
"lets not get carried away thinking this is exploitation, it's just stupid. So forget the brain, switch off pain receptors and go and enjoy two-and-a-half hours of fun."
It has some intelligent points to make too (believe it or not), but while they're equally well-observed they're not half as funny.

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