Monday 17 August 2009


Pitt to play Holmes villain Moriarty? by Simon Reynolds
(from Digital Spy)
At first this sounds like one of those random, baseless casting rumours that always does the rounds but never comes to pass, but if you read the details in the article it begins to sound surprisingly definite.

Robert Downey Jr to play vampire Lestat? by Marcell Minaya
(from Digital Spy)
This, on the other hand, is just rumour-tastic.

Zatoichi: The Blind Swordsman
(from The Digital Bits)
While sadly incomplete (and based on the "page created: 12/19/03" and "updated: 6/13/06" labels, it shall forever remain so), this is a nice overview of the Japanese Zatoichi film (and TV) series -- kind of a Japanese James Bond... in that it's a long-running popular series about one character, not in that it's a contemporary spy action/thriller.

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