Wednesday 3 February 2010


First Smith Doctor Who titles confirmed by Mayer Nissim
(from Digital Spy)
Spoilers at the above link, obviously, so rather than repeat them I'll just offer my opinion on each:
1) Nice. Not a great Who title per se, but a neat use of a common phrase.
2) Mediocre, though there have been worse.
3) Evocative, considering the setting of the episode. Interesting to see the titular, er, things turning up so early.

Royal premiere for Alice In Wonderland movie
(from BBC News)
It's been shot in 3D, so will it be screened in it? It amuses one to imagine the Queen having to don 3D specs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm excited about new Doctor Who episodes.

I have loved the show since 1980! (i was 2, not 200 as some people think!)