Wednesday 28 April 2010


BBC Trust apologises for Frankie Boyle 'angry Jew' joke
In summary, if you call an Israeli a Jew it's "inappropriate and offensive".

Our Clegg-backing letter is one for the grandchildren by Richard Reeves
(from Comment is free at
Not normally one for brandishing too much politics across the blog, but this (and the letter it links to at the end) still make for an interesting read.

Week 6 Schedule Update by Marcus
(from Doctor Who News Page)
Alternate headline: "Over the Rainbow stage scheduling coup while Moffat stranded in America".
I'm sure it's significantly less exciting than that, but, still.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doctor Who is now on so annoyingly early that at the time it finishes, you can't switch straight over to Confidential because BBC3 isn't even running yet.