Saturday 1 May 2010


Don't be persuaded to vote tactically by Laura Newton
(from this is
For too long Labour and the Conservatives have relied on persuading voters to vote tactically in Exeter as if voting for the lesser of two evils, in some kind of mythical 'two horse race'. I am delighted that people are really waking up to this age-old political manipulation and actually voting for the party they instinctively support the most (no matter who that may be).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's my local version:

"For too long, the majority of the country have voted for the same party their entire lives, regardless of the current issues or the party's stance regarding those issues. People proudly state "I've been voting labour for 40 years" or "I've voted tory my entire life". People bizarrely just pick a team, and stick with it no matter what, as though they are supporting a football team, not deciding the future of the entire country. For this reason, it is possible to predict with near-certainty the outcome of approximately 400 of the 620ish seats prior to this election. Here in Doncaster, you could put a red ribbon on roadkill and it would romp to an easy election victory.
Come May 6th, I shall be going out and voting and then(regardless of whoever I decide to vote for) I shall go home and watch the news as Caroline Flint collects yet another free pass to Westminster, where she can be paid vast amounts to do absolutely nothing."

Yeah, I wrote it myself, but it's true.