Sunday 23 October 2011

this week on 100 Films

2 new reviews were posted to 100 Films in a Year this week, and they were...

Batman: Year One (2011)
this is a very down-to-Earth version of the Batman story. It’s even less sci-fi-y than Chris Nolan’s much-praised realistic films, in fact. There’s no Batmobile, no Batcave, no Bat signal, only a few gadgets (and those that are used are fully plausible), no cartoonish super-villains… This Gotham is a city where crime comes from gangsters, drug dealers, muggers and a thoroughly corrupt police force, and that’s what Batman sets out to fight.

Tangled (2010)
It’s funny, which is its biggest asset, and exciting at times — as usual, the highly movable camera of CG animation adds fluidity, speed and excitement to the action sequences, [but the] comedic-ish fantasy-kingdom world can come across a bit like lightweight Shrek [and] the songs are distinctly unmemorable

More next Sunday.

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