As well as that, I reviewed some of the highlights of Christmas TV...

There were 3 brand-new reviews published as well...
Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
Po and co are back in a movie that bucks the sequel trend by being perhaps the best Kung Fu Panda yet... After the occasionally muddled second film, KFP3 sets the legendary adventures of awesomeness back on track with an appealing mix of humour, action, and moral lessons for kiddies and adult viewers alike.Read more here.
The Last Dragonslayer (2016)
you’re probably thinking The Last Dragonslayer is completely derivative of every other major young-adult fantasy franchise of the last… well, forever. It’s hard to deny that the plot is, at least in its broadest thematic strokes, a pretty familiar affair. What makes the enterprise worthwhile is its humorous execution. This isn’t a spoof of the genre, more a satirical mash-up of familiar fantasy building blocks and modern lifeRead more here.
Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
Charles Laughton and Marlene Dietrich shine in this adaptation of Agatha Christie’s play... Despite expanding the action, it’s still dialogue-heavy and a little stagey in places — but between the engrossingly labyrinthine plot, those captivating performances, and some added humour, such potential criticisms are irrelevant.Read more here.
And to round things off, my 100 Favourites series concluded with a final post...
The Conclusion
About four years ago, I had a crazy notion: that for my 10th blogging anniversary (still several years away at that point) I could do a year-long series of posts discussing my 100 favourite movies — an idea in keeping with my blog’s theme and also a grand way to celebrate it lasting a whole decade. After several years spent mulling over options, about 18 months of writing, and literally hundreds of hours dedicated to the project, it’s finally at an end.Read more here.
In this post, I’m going to list the second half of my also-rans and do what I always enjoy doing at the end of everything: share some statistics!
More next Sunday.
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