Tuesday 3 October 2023


WeeklyMTG | Universes Beyond Doctor Who x Magic: The Gathering

For the first time in ages, I've had a little debate about what category this falls under — it's a livestream, which I watched live (on Twitch, I think the first time I've ever done that)... although it turned out to be prerecorded, so that was kinda pointless.

Anyway, the important thing is that it was all about revealing a load of Magic: The Gathering Doctor Who cards, including all the main Doctors and their primary companions (they promised there are more companions in the sets, which is exciting, and they didn't show the War Doctor or Fugitive Doctor cards, which have been confirmed previously). Even more excitingly, for me, they showed off most of the Saga cards — a total of 19 cards, each based on a Who story. They premiered seven in the stream, and ten more have been revealed previously, so there are still two unknown. Can't wait to find out what they are.

[Watch it (again) on YouTube.]

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