Friday, 7 March 2025


Critical Role
2x90 Bathhouses and Bastions [2nd half]
I love these guys, but jeez, they're bad at politics. Any time they're in front of a ruler or some such, they're so busy trying to make speeches or sound intelligent that they skip over vital information and the arguments they're trying to make ping all over the place. Matt's kindness is almost palpable as he tries to redirect them back to the point, or simply lets the NPCs ignore what they *actually* said in favour of keeping the important parts moving. It's somewhat in character for the Nein, at least, but I'm not convinced it's wholly a character choice.
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, Twitch, or Beacon.]

Talks Machina
#137 'Lingering Wounds' & 'Bathhouses and Bastions'
[Watch it (again) on Internet Archive.]

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