Thursday 3 June 2010


Derren Brown Investigates
1x03 The Ghosthunter [season finale]
Verdict: no proof here. Though at least he seemed like a decent guy, unlike the money-grabbing conmen of the other episodes.
[Watch it (again) on 4oD.]

3x05 Turning Biminese
Thanks to various series ending, I'm finally able to resume a couple that had fallen by the wayside -- namely, this and (shortly) Damages and (hopefully before too long) Sandbaggers (nearly a year since I watched that!)
I was particularly keen to resume Dexter, though, having already had to restart it once. Last time I'd only watched one episode and left it 9 months; this time I'd seen four and it was only 2½ months, making resuming it that much easier -- no need to rewatch. Not that rewatching Dexter would be unrewarding but, y'know, been there before 'n' all that...
Um, so, self-obsessed and largely uninteresting babble aside... good ep. Ayup. Moving on...

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