Sunday 21 August 2011

this week on 100 Films

2 new reviews were posted to 100 Films in a Year this week, and they were...

My Neighbour Totoro (1988)
a charming story, where very little of significance seems to happen, yet is never dull or overly stately. It works to build a lot of character and affection, so that by the climax, when something definitely does happen, all the work that’s gone into the characters really pays off. It doesn’t whack you round the head with its impressiveness, but instead sneaks up on you with the realisation that it’s a beautiful work.

Source Code (2011)
Duncan Jones is clearly a good director, constructing a credible mid-scale thriller here (the same could be said about the work of screenwriter Ben Ripley, or the performances of any and all members of the cast) with a few flashier elements that stand out (in a good way), but I presume his previous effort showed more promise, because Source Code is hardly groundbreaking. It's certainly a solid, dual-pronged, science-fiction mystery, but not an especially deep or complex work.

More next Sunday.

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