Wednesday 1 May 2024


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Volume IV: The Tempest
by Alan Moore & Kevin O'Neill
One: Farewell to Forever

This collected edition of the fourth and final LXG miniseries was released in late 2019, and... I think that's when I bought it? I intended to read it quickly, and I've had it ready to go here, templated up behind-the-scenes, all that time — i.e. four-and-a-half years. Jesus. Well, finally, here I go! It took some getting back in to — struggling to remember who everyone was (got there in the end, I think) and what the dangling plot threads were (honestly? Still not really sure) — but it's still good stuff, with striking art from O'Neill and dense storytelling from Moore.

Although I'm listing this as if it's one chapter, the collected edition presents it issue by issue — i.e. the bonus back matter, which previous League series have collated and included at the end of the volume, is here scattered throughout, as in its original publication. I'm certain there are good story reasons for that, but it's not worth individually listing every bonus comic and fake letters page and so on. So, take it as read going forward that "One" (etc) isn't really "The Tempest: Part One", it's "The Tempest: Issue One" (if that distinction makes sense).

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