Wednesday 1 May 2024


Box One
An "escape room in a box"-type game, specifically designed to be attempted by a single player, created by actor/author/magician/etc Neil Patrick Harris (so he's an actual toymaker as well as playing one!)

I've wanted this for a while, finally bought it thanks to a discount code, and it arrived yesterday — which seemed like perfect timing to play it as a birthday treat. (Oh, yes, today's my birthday.) So far, it's lots of fun, with at least one fantastic twist. I had sort of intended to play through it in one sitting, but I started later than intended in the end, and when I reached a point where you're asked to wait 24 hours*, it seemed a good jumping-off point.

* apparently you don't actually have to wait 24 hours (I looked it up on a forum, being careful to avoid spoilers), but, like I said, it was late and so on. I'll continue (and finish?) tomorrow.

The Leaf Riders of Wrenwood
29 April – 1 May 2024

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