Saturday 20 July 2024


Doctor Who
10x20 Planet of the Daleks Episode Six [2nd watch]

I watched this whole serial with the updated special effects turned on, because I often enjoy that feature. It was barely noticeable in previous episodes (aside from a CGI shot of the TARDIS in flight from Episode One), but this instalment is where they're put to most use... and, sadly, they’re a bit of a failure. The low-budget CGI just looks dated in a different way to the original effects, which are at least dated in a way in-keeping with the rest of the production. Oh well.


Gone Fishing (2017)
A "mini-movie" on the Moana Blu-ray, which just feels like a deleted scene they'd already fully animated.

Inner Workings 3D (2016)
Short film included in 3D on the Moana Blu-ray.

Moana 3D (2016)
[2nd watch]
[#54 in The 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2024]


2000 AD #2386

Collection Count

Collection Count tracks my DVD/Blu-ray collection via a number of statistics every week.

A mass of new additions this week, thanks to a big order from the US prompted by the Criterion sale — though only three of them are Criterion titles, the rest being other things I just wanted and bundled in to spread the postage cost. Plus one new UK release too, for a total of nine additions (one an upgrade from DVD) — and over three-quarters of them in 4K!

Number of titles in collection: 3,327 [up 8]
Of which DVDs: 1,002 [down 1]
Of which Blu-rays: 2,325 [up 9]
— of which Ultra HD Blu-rays: 373 [up 7]

Number of discs in collection: 8,039 [up 13]
Number of films: 4,101 [up 11]
Number of additional cuts: 391 [no change]
Number of TV episodes: 9,742 [no change]
Number of short films: 1,148 [no change]

See you next week, faithful reader.