Wednesday 12 June 2024


Doctor Who
Real Time Episode Four
Credit where it's due, this episode has a decent twist/cliffhanger, which I didn't see coming and is also quite a neat concept. Unfortunately, I have no faith it'll do anything interesting with that in the remaining two episodes, considering the rest of the writing continues to be lacklustre. For example: this episode contains two scenes clearly designed to give the Doctor and Evelyn big grandstanding speeches that define them as characters and/or the Cybermen — similar to the Fifth Doctor's famous speech in Earthshock, for example — but neither really lands, meandering on and around the point rather than succinctly nailing it.

For All Mankind
2x01 Every Little Thing
Finally got another free month of Apple TV+ from somewhere, so trying to make sure I get some use out of it — picking back up this excellent series (which I'm now three whole seasons behind on) seemed a good idea for that. It begins with a timejump, and I also watched the 20-or-so minutes of news featurettes they produced to help bridge the in-world gap since the season one finale.

2x06 X-Ternally Yours [2nd watch]
Having another crack at continuing this, too. Hopefully it'll be more successful than my last attempt...


Critical Role
2x30 The Journey Home [1st half]
Laura and Travis return after a break of seven weeks... or six days, at my current pace. (Also, random bit of maths: crazy to think that if Critical Role were a regular hour-long US network show, I'd be about 156 episodes in now. That's longer than the entirety of Buffy, for example.)
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]