Friday, 31 January 2025


Oliver & Company (1988)
[2nd or so watch]
[#11 in The 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2025]

I haven't seen this since I was a little kid — probably over 30 years ago — so I've no idea if I only watched it once or multiple times. (Thoughts on the film itself on Letterboxd.)


Critical Role
2x80 The Folding Halls [2nd half]
Happy Fun Ball, Part 2. It's neither as happy nor as fun without Twiggy, but it does make a change from all the Very Serious story threads the Nein have been pursuing for quite some time.
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, Twitch, or Beacon.]

Talks Machina
#128 'The Folding Halls'
[Watch it (again) on Internet Archive.]