Sunday, 2 February 2025


Exceptional X-Men
#2 by Eve L. Ewing & Carmen Carnero

The Uncanny X-Men
#6 The Change in Ourselves by Gail Simone & Javier Garrón
Caught up for the crossover, hence why I've restarted Exceptional too.


You Don't Have to Have a Dream by Tim Minchin
You've Always Wanted to Be an Actor [the end]


Critical Role
2x81 From Door to Door
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, Twitch, or Beacon.]

Talks Machina
#129 'From Door to Door'
They keep telling me to watch Undeadwood, which is no longer available on YouTube but I have acquired another way because I was already interested... so I guess I will watch it, probably soon. Only question is: how much do I interrupt my regular CR viewing for it?
[Watch it (again) on Internet Archive.]

this week on

2025 has started like most months at with no new film reviews posted. Oh dear.

But, this week, there was something else: the first two regular monthly posts of the year. Hurrah! It began, as ever, with the review of last month...

...and continued, as ever, with my list of last month's failures...

More, perhaps, next Sunday.