Friday 27 September 2024


Cutthroat Island (1995)
[3rd watch]
[#74 in The 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2024]

After I last watched this back in 2008, I disliked it so much I thought I'd never watch it again. I'm not even sure what changed my mind. But I'm glad I did, because I actually really enjoyed it, and feel like a lot of what I wrote last time is poppycock. I don't know what changed, but there we go. It's far from a perfect film, but as a piratical action-adventure it hits most of the right beats and is a lot of fun. Plus, it's nice to see a film that truly looks and feels like a Film nowadays, rather than aggrandised digital video — that's a bonus a lot of '90s flicks benefit from when watched now, I think.


by Nightwish
[2nd listen]

My copy of the official store exclusive edition turned up yesterday, which includes a Blu-ray copy with the whole album mixed in Dolby Atmos (along with versons in 5.1 and uncompressed stereo), so I listened to that today. I don't know much difference it made, to be honest, other than that listening to stuff through high-quality sound equipment is always good (and I did notice a few definite surround elements).


Critical Role
2x60 A Turtle By Any Other Name
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, Twitch, or Beacon.]